What a historic day. Ten years in some ways it seems so long ago in many more it is hard to conceive ten years have really passed since that surreal morning of shocking horror. What where you doing that fateful morning? What did you do today to remember?
I was reading stories all week. Updates on the families that lost loved ones and news about the memorials and services that were being planned. I read again about survivors and heros as well as people coming together and working long hours to have everything in place for todays milestone.
In reflecting on the events of that day ten years ago I am struck by the shocking demonstration it provides of the capacity and scope of human nature and behavior. It was an incredible act of violence born out of extremism, hatred, fear and intolerence. But immediately within the moments of chaos and destruction were acts of phenominal heroism, courage, generosity compassion and love. These actions continued long after the dust settled as Americans and people throughout the world reached out to help each other and pull together.
Human beings truly are incredible and limitless. We are capable of so much, much more than we really recognize most of the time. Many people discovered that about themselves and others that day and in the days that followed as we learned the details and saw and heard the stories. People lost their lives saveing others. Diverse groups of people banded together tirelessly to clean up, search and rescue, care for the wounded and comfort the grieving. We all felt fear, anger confusion and anxiety. But we also felt community, resilence and inspiration, love and compassion.
The truth is that while humans are capable of all this wonderful, loving action must not forget the capacity for hate, violence and destruction. That capacity is also not far under the surface. Intolerence, extreme thinking, prejudice, ignorance and selfishness fuels these acts of terror and hate as well as other violence and cruelty that plagues us daily all around the globe.
I think it is vital to raise our consciousness: to be aware of all we are capable of, good and bad so that we may choose to be our highest best selves and challenge ourselves to be open minded, accepting, tolerant and compassionate.
The memories and lessons of September 11, 2001 are many and complex.
What are they for you?
What does the day most reperesent and teach you? How can you use that now?