Saturday, September 14, 2013



Saturday, September 14, 2013

Some Day...

Ever notice how many things you put off in your life?

It seems everyone I speak with has a list of ideas, goals or dreams they are waiting to get around to.
Mine includes learning to sail, moving into the city, traveling to Italy as well as smaller things like new bedroom furniture and taking a Tai Chi class with my daughter.

So what holds you back?
Of course there are the biggies; time and money.
I can point to that reason myself.
Some of the others I hear are I have to wait till the kids are older, I cant take time off work, I don't know how, I am waiting to get my shit together.
The last one is my favorite. what does that mean exactly?
And how will you know when it occurs?

The truth is we never have enough time or money and certainly never have all our shit together.
Because of this we also never do all the things we want. Sometimes that leads to dissatisfaction or even regret and it always leads to living less fully than we truly want to.
The things in our hearts shift to the category of a vague someday, nearly forgotten.

I wonder if we are really held back by our reasons or if they just allow us to hide in the comfort of familiarity not pushing our comfort zones and ignoring the small voice inside us that begs for adventure and experiences?

In all honestly I had the perfect opportunity to travel to Italy 6 years ago, I told myself I could not because my daughters needed me to be here. It seemed valid at the time but in reality I could have easily been away 10 days and they would of enjoyed the break from me I am sure.

One of the values I have that lead me to be a coach is a passion for living life fully.
There is so much for us to experience and enjoy. It deeply troubles me when people do not live fully.
It seems an insult to all we have been blessed with to not experience the beauty and richness of all the world has to offer or at least take a good shot at it.

I think the main reasons we do not is a lack of awareness and fear.

First, we need to become aware of what interests us and what we are passionate about.
It is surprising how many people do not really know what those things are.
Secondly, we must have the courage to push through our fear and limiting thinking to go outside our comfort zone.
Lastly, we must do what it is we most want and if we do not immediately have the resources available create a plan to make it happen rather than just relegate our ideas, goals and dreams to the unending Limbo of someday.

I ascribe to the thinking that if something calls to your soul you are meant to do it.
I aspire to push through my comfort zones to live it.

“There is nothing capricious in nature and the implanting of a desire indicates that its gratification is in the constitution of the creature that feel it.”Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Neale Donald Walsch