Passion is defined as powerful or compelling emotion regarding people or things. Typically we say someone is passionate about life when they feel and live it deeply and fully. What does this term mean to you?
Most people admire others they consider to be passionate and even if secretly would like to be more so themselves. Why is that?
Maybe it is because when it gets right down to it it is emotion that makes life meaningful and more exciting. Even negative emotions, while unpleasant stir the soul.
How does one become passionate and what stands in the way of more passion?
First, deeply feeling emotion is likely part of personality, possibly in your DNA to some degree. That may be why certain families and ethnicities carry some generalities. But it is also heavily influenced by environment, beginning with how your family modeled and displayed emotion. We are programmed to repeat behaviors that are reinforced and learn quickly to curtail ones that are met with disapproval. Many of us learn to suppress emotion or at least to dampen it, to not draw too much attention or risk rejection and harsh judgement. Culture too plays a role, some things are less acceptable to express. In the United States there are limits on sadness for instance and we are quick to think it needs to be cured even when it is an appropriate response, such as to a loss. Feeling things deeply means all things good and bad of course. As with everything, there are many factors that effect what, how deeply and how we share our feelings.
But a passionate life eludes to more than just expressing emotion. It is about jumping in deeper with more variety of experiences, enthusiasm and vigor. We may picture a bohemian artist vividly pursuing their art, dressed flamboyantly and living in a picturesque town swept up in a romantic love affair. At least I do. It does not have to be quite that dramatic of course.Think of small children, they are great at living with passion. Delving in head first, engaging their limitless imaginations, throwing caution to the wind and just having fun and when the fun stops or the pain starts wailing with complete abandon their dissatisfaction. Children do not hesitate to feel all the good and the bad and typically do not filter it, at least not right away. You were that child once...remember?
Living a passionate life simply is a life that includes activities and people you feel deeply about. Doing things that matter to you, playing all out, allowing yourself to fully experience and express how you feel and who you truly are.
Why don’t more of us live this type of life?
I think we get caught up in our daily life and habits which let’s face it become boring and routine. We grow up, get jobs and buy into thinking there is not much time left for play.
We have important things to do, responsibilities after all, no time for nonsense. The things we may really enjoy do not always pay the bills and get pushed aside and sometimes completely forgotten.
More importantly, we are conditioned for acceptance. When we feel deeply and express fully we risk the pain of being rejected and ridiculed. We have all felt that sting. Most of us have played all out at least once and did not feel we won that game so are not so willing to play that way again.
As an adult it takes boldness and daring to live with passion, it is a conscious choice to do so. At first it requires effort and may even be scary, but the reward far outweighs the risk. I don’t know about you but I do not want to live my life swathed in bubble wrap so as not to break or damage anything on my way to the pearly gates. I would rather participate than protect myself from life and get to the end with a lot of great stories to tell and maybe a few battle scars. If that sounds inviting to you here are some simple steps to get you started if you dare...
D Discover what turns you on, excites you,when do you get in the zone and fully engaged? Remember best times or hobbies you loved and catalog all the things you have really enjoyed doing in your life time. You can also list the traits you most adore in others and the types of relationships and activities that suit you best. What causes stir your soul or make your blood boil? Pay more attention to how you feel and if you are sharing your feelings with others freely.
A Action begin to actually do more of these or similar activities. Start telling people what you believe and think about things that matter to you. Find others that share your ideas, join a group or effort that does something you think is meaningful. Kiss just a little deeper, embrace just a little longer, be more playful do or say something you feel but would normally keep to yourself.
R Be Relentless in your pursuit of what feels good and right to you. It may not work right away, you may have a few false starts along the way. This is all trial and error, treat your life like an experiment and you will undoubtedly have a rich and meaningful experience.
E Enjoy! Have fun allow yourself to play again sometimes and get messy. All the skinned knees of your childhood healed without too much of a trace so too will and scrapes you may endure now. Above all do not wait. The time to live with passion is now.