Friday, January 21, 2011

More Questions Mean More Answers

Have you taken some time and a journal lately and just asked your self some good questions? I find it certainly helps to ask if you would actually like some answers. Journaling is a powerful tool for self-discovery. I have several next to my bed filled with goals, affirmations, reflections and of course questions and answers. When I look back through them after a time they provide redirection, insight and clarity as well as a good laugh. If you are not a journal keeper you can simply ponder and reflect and see what you come up with, if nothing else maybe start an interesting dinner conversation.

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

What has had the most impact on you in your life thus far?

What are you currently doing that is not working for you?

What are three things you would  like to do more of?

These are intentionally broad, just a staring off point. Try one that suits you or try them all .I’d love to hear your thoughts. These types of ideas are frequently used when working with a coach, to assist you in finding your own answers as well as what you would like to do with them.


  1. This is something I've always wanted to do!
    I write goals and ideas constantly in the margins of my notebooks, but never in a dedicated place.
    I never end up revisiting them.
    This was a good reminder to reconsider that!

  2. Great! Hope the journal helps .It is useful to revisit our goals not only for accountability but also to remind ourselves how much we have accomplished and celebrate that before moving on to the next one.

  3. I never was a person who would use a journal but as I began to persue my spiritual walk with the Lord in a deeper way than just prayers, I decided to find out what all the hipe was about this journaling. I have notebooks and notesbooks from the past couple of years filled with words for myself and words and hopes for others. I can't believe how faithful the Lord is and how many prayers he answered. I am so glad that I took the time to record the thoughts and words. As I went back over them and reread them, I wrote in the margins dates of when prayers etc. were answered. What a gift to look back on.

    I am glad you wrote a blog about it Julia. It doesn't matter if it is a pesonal spiritual journey or a journey of where you are now and where you want to be, journaling is an awesome tool to use. If I can do it, anyone can do it. You will be amazed at what you find out about yourself as you think about your life and the things you want out of it.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing how powerful journaling has been for you Connie and encouraging us as well . It really is a tremendous tool to vision where you are going , connect with your innermost thoughts and then reflect upon where you have been to draw lessons and strength.

  5. I used to keep a journal as a kid and occasionally jot down ideas now, but never with consistency. As you mentioned, it is a great reminder and allows for redirection if we get sidetracked.

    It also gives a person a way of exploring and setting goals. There is nothing greater than a blatant, in your face page of list making ideas that you'd like to explore or achieve.

    Thank you for the reminder!
