Monday, October 24, 2011

Creatures of Comfort Craving Change

In my business we focus on change quite a bit. I find that people are at the same time creatures of habit and cravers of change. This creates a tension for us as we are split between what we know and are familiar with and our desire for variety, growth and improvement.

For most of us at any given time we can name several things about ourselves or our lives we would like to change. When it gets right down to it the truth is we may truly want the change but are not so excited about letting go of the present situation or taking the steps needed to get the outcome we desire. We want results; not the stuff in the middle right?

Often, we find it more  comfortable to stay in a less desireable current situation that may be very difficult and even damaging to us rather than risk the unknown.

Know anyone like that?

These patterns of behavior are really not so hard to break once you become willing to look at new possibilities for yourself. It becomes less stressful to let go when you clearly know what you are reaching for and believe in your ability to attain it.

You can diminish the fear of the unknown by embracing the opportunity for new and better   do we assume the unkown is scary anyway? How many good things in your life came as a surprise or were once unknown to you?

Consider today that if there is anything in any aspect of your life that is not satisfying or may be causing you stress and unhappiness that the alternative to it is far easier to attain and live with than the trouble you are currently dealing with from this situation. In fact, you have the power to transform this situation into exactly what you most want.

We all tend to think change is hard but we forget that what it is we want to change is already hard.

What would you like to make easier and better in your life?


A caterpillar must have the courage to let go of who and how it currently is

to  beautifully become what it was meant to be.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I visit your site I always leave feeling inspired. Its as if you are speaking on behalf of whats going on in my life. Cant not wait to receive your next article! Keep up your amazing work!
