Three Keys To Motivation
Motive: This is the root of the word but so often overlooked. Why do you want what you want? What benefits and outcomes do you seek? The real reasons, the deep reasons. Clue: the stated reasons are usually on the surface stuff. Dig deeper; what emotion will it strike in you when you are successful? What will it mean and how will you or your life be different and better. If you get what you are aiming for how will you feel and benefit. By the way, this is a good time to check if the outcome and benefit will actually be provided by attaining the stated goal. Many times that is not the case and we work hard for something only to attain it and find that it did not provide what we really wanted. Furthermore, visualize your success, feel the benefits, experience it as fully as possible, imagine all the details and the emotion of how it feels. Do this often.
Alignment: There are two aspects of alignment. One relates specifically to the goal and how it aligns with you; your values and vision for your life. We can find much more energy and enthusiasm for doing things that have deep meaning to us and we believe in. Also, does it fit into the bigger picture and vision of your life? Naturally, you need to spend your time pursuing that which takes you toward you vision. As you relate your goals to your values...but wait, this presumes you are clear on your personal values. So let's back up; as you are creating your vision as we discussed in my last post and setting goals take the time to take stock of your values. What are your guiding principles and what is most important to you? If you have not done this in awhile it is well worth the effort. Our values are what drives and motivates all our behavior and decisions, become crystal clear and honor them. I use a simple assesment with clients if you email me a request I would be happy to send you an email back with a free assessment to help you become clear. This is vital. If your goals work well within your values and you can connect them to your strong beliefs you are naturally going to be more motivated. Watch out if they are not, or go against your values, this is a huge red flag.
The other aspect of alignment is you . Are you in alignment emotionally and mentally with what you say you want? Some inner exploration is needed here. Do you truly want what you say? And more importantly, do you believe you deserve it and are worthy and capable of what you seek? Are you single minded or divided? Of mixed emotion regarding attaining the goal or making the change? If you are, you will not be motivated to start or be able to maintain it long. In this case, it may be limiting beliefs, low self esteem, a lack of clarity, an attachment or fear. These things tend not to take care of themselves, tackle it . If you are wrestling with this type of issue know that dealing with it is far easier than trying to continue to live with it.
Commitment: Let's face it, even the best of us are not at our best everyday. We must commit to do it. Fake it till you make it when necessary. I believe it is even more crucial to be prepared to recommit. There will be lost battles, this does not mean you lose the war. Plan to recommit to your goal however often is needed. For some situations that may be hourly or even moment to moment like with an addiction; cigarettes for instance. Or, on the occassions you succumb to a slack off day at the gym or office. Be resolute, unwavering and determined and you are bound to be successful. Keep in mind; most valuable and meaningful things we achieve are done so over time and as a result of some effort, failing and struggle. It is the hardest fought victories that are always the sweetest so if you have a goal you can believe in and commit to, be prepared to recommit as well.
Next up: set the goals. Yes, the process of specific goal setting comes after this work. No point setting goals if you are not first clear on your vision, values and where your true motivation lies.
In fact, by now you should be really motivated to write some goals!
Thanks for this article Julia I often times lose site of goals and the need to recommit. "Fake it till you make it when necessary. " is defiantly the truth!
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