We all have stress and anxiety at times, unfortunately for some of us it is a lot of the time.
Much has been written, including a bit by me, regarding managing and reducing stress, ideas that are proven, solid and helpful as well. Keep in mind some stress and anxiety is useful and should be used as a natural warning sign something is amiss and should be paid attention to. Now a days though everywhere you turn people lament that they are "stressed out" and need relief.
But what if there were a way to eliminate stress from the core? Make an underlying powerful shift in perspectives that would head off any uncomfortable reactions in the first place...would you be interested?
The truth is events, circumstance and situations are not stressful in themselves. They do not have meaning other than that which we assign them. This is the key reason; our individual interpretation that explains the disparity of how people react to and handle "stress". So the trick is to get to the core. The core thought and emotion that fuels your reaction that does not serve you. Accept the fact that it is not the thing but how you think about it and now you have the power to change how you think about it, manage and react.
With some effort you can change the way you look at things, greatly reducing what you even consider to be stressful.
You can better recognize what is under your control and let go of what is not.
You can understand the real importance and significance of things and not sweat the small stuff.
You can store up your resources and recharge yourself regularly. Be confident in you ability to handle any and all challenges that come your way. You will then be well prepared when called upon.
You can chose when things are difficult to focus on the strengths, blessings and lessons as well as the opportunity to dig in, access your best self and grow as we invariable do in challenging times. Something good always comes, expect it.
Shifting how you think about and approach the "stress" in your life has the power to transform it and you and with enough practice eliminate stress from the core.
So, what stresses you out and how can you shift the way you think about it?
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