Sometimes what we need is a change of scenery, a fresh approach or a new perspective. Other times things in our life changes occur that we did not want or expect.
I have by nature always embraced change rather well. I really like variety and seek out new ideas and experiences. Of course there have been times that I have hesitated and worried, even held back and missed an opportunity that may have benefited me, but overall I believe change is good, intriguing and leads to growth.
I recognize not everyone shares this charecteristic. In fact, change presents many hurdles for people and in some cases ignites serious anxiety and fear. Many people will go to great lengths to avoid change even if the status quo is very unpleasant.
It seems our approach to change is intricately linked to our general outlook on life; as an optimist or a pessimist.
People that are more optimistic, I am irritatingly so, tend to believe that change will be good, presents opportunity and that they will do well. Pessimists typically believe that change is going to cause a problem, will be difficult and upsetting. Most of us are a mix of both of course so our reactions are often mixed as well.
What we many times do not realize is that our orientation as either pessimistic or optimistic is not set in stone and that we can choose to shift our outlooks to serve us better. That's a whole other topic though.
Occasionally, we all want change it is part of our personality to seek new experiences and discover new things to one extent or another. I think that we are creatures of habit but at the same time seekers of change, this can cause a rub.
But when it gets right down to it we get stuck in ruts, bored and restless and sometimes a bit of change is just what we need to feel invigorated and energized. These changes are more palatable; a vacation, new restaurant, redecorating, taking a class or trying a new hobby. Doing these things on a regular basis keeps us engaged, sharp and happy. It also makes us more equipped and adaptable to the changes we face that are not our choice. Loss of a job, the ending of a relationship or our children moving away are times we seemingly have no choice but in truth we do we have the choice how we will respond.
Being adaptable, optimistic and flexible by embracing small positive changes in life goes a long way to support us to use those skills to best navigate the other changes that invariable come our way but still hold the promise of growth and goodness if we chose to respond well.
By the way stay tuned for some changes ahead, in the next week or so you will see a newly designed site. Please send me some feedback on what you do or do not like.
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