Day to day living is such a hinderance to really living. We see and do the same stuff so often we do not even notice the treasures and beauty all around us.I think most the time most people go through their days in a routine and because of that routine sameness fail to see the beauty that surrounds them.
I know this is true for myself as well and I am vigilant in fighting it. I make an effort to notice things and expose myself as much as possible to new people, ideas and experiences. I have done this so long that it is my way of life and I truly enjoy it. Weekly, daily if not hourly on a good day I learn something new, someone surprises me or I see something ordinary that through fresh eyes becomes extraordinary.
I have a lousy memory much of the time and limited childhood memories. But I can so clearly recall a moment like this when I was very young. I am not sure how old but under 9 is certain. I was looking at our sugar bowl, something I had seen and used everyday and suddenly I noticed it was beautiful. It was silver, unpolished, heavy, tarnished to a bronze-ish color with simple turns at the handles on either side. I just remember suddenly being struck that it was simple yet beautiful at the same time realizing I had never seen it that way before. It was like I had never seen it.
Each moment we are flooded with opportunities to experience life and the world around us in a myriad of ways. It is our habit to see what we expect to see and do what we expect to do and so the days fly by with little difference. Our brains must filter out somethings to focus on others, we would be on constant overload and unable to function if not. However, what do we miss as a result of this?
Both people and things have beauty like the sugar bowl that is always present but we do not see until we look up with fresh eyes.
It is profound, startling and exciting when we experience it. It makes life more interesting, rich and full when we choose to look up and see not only something new but that which has been there all along.
How can you look up and see more of what is around you today?
What in your life can you turn a fresh eye to?
What opportunities are around you that you may have not noticed?
This week what is one way you can add a new experience and be open to what it holds for you?
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