I have moved through being immobilized by weakness,limited thinking and insecurity as well as emboldened by abundant courage, solid confidence and strength.
There have been times I have diligently followed all the "rules", the guidelines for a good life, to be a good wife, Mom, employee, friend, human. At other times I flexed my freedom being true to myself, making my own rules, living true true to my own values.
I have always been quite solitary and have learned to trust my own counsel regardless of how many times it has led me astray.
I also later in life have learned to trust that whatever the outcome it is ultimately good for me and I am capable of not only handling it but possibly even enjoying it or at the least growing as a result. Admittedly, I am a slow learner, a late bloomer in some respects. And yet I believe to step forward is the only way for me even when I do not know where it leads. I have no reason to be like this, I just am.
It comes down to coloring inside or outside of the lines in a sense: Following the rules and formulas, the advice of others sometimes at a cost to your own creativity or coloring outside the lines going your own way and making your own picture even if no one else get's it.
It is pretty clear that the latter can get a bit messy, maybe in the end you will not have much on paper to show for it; but will it be more satisfying?
The romantic and optimistic part of me that has always won out says yes. That it is worth it.
Nonetheless, it is a struggle. With freedom comes responsibility, with independence accountability, with solitude loneliness.
Not following some structure leads to difficult stations, it often does not work well.
There is no one else to blame when you invariable screw up, no one there to share the credit with when you shine.
Honestly , I do not know which life is better or even if there is a better.
To live within the lines may provide safety, security, comfort, stability, ease and if you are lucky a neat little picture to hang on the wall in the end.
Life outside the lines may be risky, adventurous, lonely, passionate, difficult and may end up to be a big mess or just might turn out to be a one of a kind masterpiece.
In truth, whichever way you choose can be pretty messy and frankly you never know what you will end up with.
Like anything else we have to choose our methods or maybe ideally blend the two techniques to come up with a real piece of art.
ReplyDeleteAnother thoughtful and thought provoking post. If you believe that life should be in balance in some ways then the answer to your question might be to color inside and outside the lines when your rational or intuitive side dictate. The other school of thought is, no risk, no reward. If you play everything down the middle you end up with the middle. Some people are happy there, others not. Perhaps this is about knowing who you are and what constitutes a fulfilled life, which by the way, may shift at times during the journey. As an artist I know that profundity only happens at the edge, where risk is maximized, but where the transformational moments can only take place. I can tell you that it's not comfortable, but when it works, it's sublime. Personally it's where I aspire to be as often as possible because I think the alternative is not worth the lack of risk. My two cents.