If like me you are unsure of the history of International Women's Day please learn more here:
In the United States, this tradition is over 100 years old, but I cannot remember learning about it in school or marking it in any way at any time in my life for that matter. Interesting.
This year IWD seems to be getting a lot more attention, understandably so. In 2017 we are aware of the struggles of Women in our communities and around the world more than ever before through the news, the internet and travel. Recent politics here and abroad have also shaken our security and inspired more activism than we have seen in decades.
Some people chose not to celebrate or acknowledge days set aside for a purpose. Frankly, there are a lot of them. Follow this link for more information onjust how many: UNrecognizeddayhttp://www.un.org/en/sections/observances/international-days/.
However, I think it is helpful to have a reminder to stop for a moment and reflect on an issue, be grateful, learn more, or take action.
As I reflect on women's issues my first thought is a celebration. Women take the lead around the world as the primary caregivers and nurturers in their families and communities. Women's contributions are staggering across all realms of science, spirituality, medicine and the arts. My next thought is of deep concern. Women's rights are human rights of course but the disturbing reality is that women still face more violence and oppression and less freedom and opportunity than men here and around the world.
I encourage you to take a moment today to think about women in your life, community, country and world. If you are a woman set aside time to investigate your own life recognizing your struggles and triumphs as well as where you are in the journey of your life and where you would like to be. I propose a topic this large deserves more than one day and challenge you to be woman focused for the remainder of the week.
Choose some of the ideas below as a way to focus your attention, raise your awareness or take some action.
10 Ways to Celebrate IWD
1. Learn about women in your local community or the world at large that are making a difference.
2. Search Women's clubs/groups and organizations and consider joining one that resonates with you.
3. Honor a woman that has made a positive impact in your life. Often women are unsung heroes. Find one and sing.
4. Offer acceptance and kindness to a female stranger. Smile, be open and friendly.
5. Celebrate your sisterhood. Gather your female friends and appreciate the joy and power of those connections.
6. Investigate areas of your own life that are not as free as you would like and consider ways to expand your thinking and experience of life.
7. Learn more about women's issues you find interesting or pressing. Education, domestic violence, teen pregnancy, health, sex trafficking, whatever calls to you. As you become more aware you allow your compassion and connection to grow.
8. Donate money to a women's cause that moves you. Even a little bit can make a huge difference.
9. Donate time to work on something that is meaningful to you. Most communities have an abundance of opportunities to serve. Mentor youth, feed the hungry, work a shift at a shelter. You are needed and can make a difference.
10. Share the story of a powerful woman from history or your personal life with a young person.
Open your mind. It is easy to fool ourselves into thinking things are good because in our own lives we are comfortable. If you live a middle-class life in the USA and enjoy the comforts of that lifestyle and do not suffer discrimination or oppression it is tempting to think all women have the same experience or to not notice the bigger picture. It can also be tempting to point our fingers at other cultures and admonish their treatment of women and fail to see the ways women are treated poorly in our own. Consider if it is more troubling to be told to cover yourself from head to toe to obscure your sexuality or to be encouraged to uncover yourself to exploit it. Recognize that even now in 2017 in our own country women and girls are sexually assaulted and die from domestic abuse at alarming rates.
Get informed. The internet is a great tool to learn about current numbers of women and children displaced by war, denied education, used as slaves, sexually harassed, raped, diminished or marginalized in countless ways. It is also a powerful tool to discover the many ways men and women are fighting for change. There are millions of passionate, dedicated, people championing women's rights and creating a better now and a brighter future. Awareness breeds inspiration, action, and change.
Some of my favorites:
Seeds of Hope Homes Supports young women in Costa Rica that are victims of or at risk for sexual exploitation and trafficking. This volunteer grass- roots organization was established by an American woman inspired to act by what she saw in this beautiful country while visiting. Learn more:
Mutual Ground Aurora Illinois domestic and sexual abuse service provides safe shelter, counseling, support groups, education, and advocacy. http://www.mutualgroundinc.com
Girls global education initiatives learn more here: http://www.refinery29.com/2015/09/94862/michelle-obama-global-girls-education
Women for Women International sponsorship for a woman to enrich her life and that of her family and community by sponsoring a woman with a small monthly commitment that makes a big impact http://www.womenforwomen.org
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