For some not knowing may seem safe; "what if I do not like what I discover?" they silently ask.
My answer to that is a confident no way!
When you peel away the onion skin layers that may veil your true self from others as well as yourself you will find what you have sought all of your life: You.
You suit you. You were made for you. And you may just find others will fall in love with this more you version of you all over again.
All the trying to be different, rejection of certain aspects, the busyness and noise that has hidden you away has served only to dull who you are. That is the version we do not like of ourselves. It is false, it is partial, it is fragile. It annoys us and continues to fall short in our own eyes because deep down we are dying to get out. To be free and fully ourselves.
Many of us are somehow so afraid of rejection from others that we ultimately reject large parts of ourselves; give up our best ideas, dreams and passions rather than be shot down or fail.
Certainly, we are all at times cruely critised or judged by others.
The truth is those people that may not really like you may not really like themselves all that much either. So why listen to them?
I think part of it is a result of the good intentions of parents and others as we are raised; You are a good girl for this, bad boy for that. And the not so well intentioned input of insecure and immature siblings and peers teasing or even bullying. And it does not stop there; media messages, lovers, coworkers everyone is happy to critise.
It seems to grow up we must learn to deny or hide parts of ourselves to attempt to have others love and accept us then as adults we must learn to recover and reveal those parts to ever attempt to fully love and accept ourselves.
It is only then; beautifully and fully you, that you will truly attain the love and acceptance you have always sought. This is the foundation of lasting happiness.
Reveal you ...please! You and I and everyone else will thank you for it. It is the unique and complete version of you that is needed here. Trust that.
" To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
" At best you can only ever be a second rate version of someone else, you will always be the best YOU"
This is really great!!