I often describe the experience of parenting to the famous Dickens opening line from a Tale Of Two Cities," It was the best of times it was the worst of times", kinda sums it right up? Certainly the most challenging, complex and frustrating yet joyous, rewarding and fulfilling experience in my life. I had my kids young; I have always been a Mom, we grew up together.
In retrospect one can evaluate what they did wrong, imagine what they would do differently or better; I have a long list of that of course. But I also know I did the best I knew how at any given time and all has contributed to them being who they are. In the long run I can only hope they take the good stuff I gave them and will adopt it as their own and will learn to avoid the things I did that did not work so well, finding their own better way.
Mothers Day can be a difficult day for some as well. I know many that miss mothers they have lost. Ones that were loving and powerful forces in their lives taken away all too soon.
Others have pain or resentment for Mothers that were never the loving guides and nurturing supporters they needed. Stuck on this day searching through cards that are overly sentimental trying to find something simple or not acknowledging their mothers at all.
A Mother is arguably the most significant influence in our lives. The impact is powerful whether it is negative or positive. Even not having a mom for some reason growing up leaves a lasting impact. Whatever impact your mother has had in your life it is good to have a day to reflect and be grateful for the good things she passed onto you as well as the examples of things you do not want to be. It is all useful, it is all growth, it all makes us the beautiful complex people we are to be.
So today I look forward to being well fed and attended to, appreciated for whatever good impact I may have had. Moreover, today I am reminded of the impact these three children have had on me. They have been the most wonderful, significant experience of my life. They have stretched me and made me grow, brought tears to my eyes countless times more often than not because I was laughing so hard. They are ambitious, curious, intelligent, funny, passionate and kind
Thank you Jason, Jessica and Rachel I love you!
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