How many of us live it I wonder? I think very few. It sounds appealing and very exciting, but at the same time it is scary. The fact is for those that aspire to live rich, full, authentic and meaningful lives such as you and I, life becomes a dance between striving forward and overcoming the fear that threatens to hold us back. I realize most of us think it is only ourselves that has these lingering doubts, fears, negative voices, but I am here to tell you some variety or intensity is within all of us, totally human.
To a large extent the measure of our happiness and success is the result of how well we cultivate the courage to be fully who we are despite the fears we have that tempt us to play small and stay safe.
Just as there are underlying subconscious yearnings that we spend our lives trying to recognize and fulfill there are underlying subconscious fears that we must take out and examine by the light of day pushing through them to ultimately be, do and have what we seek.
This combination is the cycle of our lives, a dance we are invited to participate in boldly, fully and passionately. Many do not. The thought of the risk too great. Choosing to forgo the joy hampered by the the thoughts that start with what if? What if I fail , what if I am judged , rejected and so on.
We will examine those fears moving forward this year. As I have endeavored to live boldly and seek to uncover my own fears. I too know what it is to be tempted to stay small or safe to only risk so much, to be bold in only some areas. I also know the reward of having courage and the incredible experience and triumph it brings. It is one of those things that gets better with practice, like dancing I suppose.
First, we must be bold enough to get out on the floor, then we must trust our selves to be aware; to listen to the music within and around us and courageously, authentically move freely in the joyous dance of our lives.
I have always loved to dance...this year I am ready for more practice.
What calls to you that you feel is not possible or scary and why?
What things do you avoid because of what others may think?
How can you cultivate more courage than fear this year?
Do not wait for the absence of fear, cultivate more courage and go after what you seek.
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