We are all searching for something.
Some say that it is love. Others say it is happiness, meaning or purpose. Famous philosophers have been contemplating this for centuries. Frankl believed that man’s fundamental search is for meaning while Aristotle contends that our chief aim in life is happiness. Regardless of how we define what we are searching for, the first thing we need to begin to pursue it is freedom.

What is freedom?
Freedom is the ability to fully express oneself in any and all fashion. It means to be without restraint or bindings, whether those are internal or external. The ability to be all of oneself and pursue ones desires. Sounds great right?
It is key to understand the concepts of personal freedom and how to claim them so we will be successful in attaining all the rich rewards life has in store for us. Here, I define the 7 keys to personal freedom and fulfillment that will be useful for your path to success.
The 7 Keys to Personal Freedom & Fulfillment:
- Know Yourself: Socrates said it thousands of years ago and it still is an elemental truth. Know who you are, what makes you tick, and turns you on. Be familiar with your own strengths and weaknesses and know how to use them to your advantage. Be aware of your top core values and live in alignment to them. Be very clear on what you most want most out of life and what you enjoy.
- Confront your fears: We all have them! I’m not talking about the healthy fear that keeps you from running into traffic. Im talking about the fears that undermine our greatness and stop us from having the freedom, fun and fulfillment that we crave. They stop us from pursuing our biggest goals, living our wildest dreams and even loving fully. The thoughts we have telling us to hold back from life or love to protect ourselves from rejection and pain. These usually result in protecting us and also keeping us from ever getting close to what we most want. It is a paradox: protect self from pain by preventing any hope of real joy. As tough as it is fear is, the first hurdle is to identify the fear. Next overcome and destroy. What are your underlying thoughts? Can you identify what you work on avoiding or what worse case scenario in your mind keeps you from fully engaging? Push your comfort zones, neutralize exaggerated thoughts, and realize that you will survive whatever comes your way.
- Revise your core beliefs: Very often the things we believe about ourselves and the world are just plain wrong. You may even be surprised to find that the things you say you believe do not suit you or are just a result of habit of thought. Our beliefs shape our lives in powerful ways. We subconsciously go about proving our beliefs are correct through our actions and interactions with the world. For instance, if you believe people and the world are a overall good and positive, you will seek and find evidence of this on a daily basis. If you believe the opposite you will find plenty of evidence to support that viewpoint as well. Where do our ideas come from? Parents, culture, religion? Ask yourself honestly if they make sense to you. Are they accurate and true? How do you know? Finally, do they serve to make your life and the world better and more powerful or not? Adapt to 0-[pa set of beliefs that make sense to you that are within your value system and add to your life rather than restrict it.
- Write your own rules: Obviously we must live within the law, but we must also live authentically, this is freedom at it’s best. What holds us back? Analyze the statements that include ‘should’ and ‘shouldn’t’. Often we are adhering to outside standards, rules and pressure. Lighten up, let yourself be free to be who you are and live your own idea of a good life. Revisit tip 3 reconsidering your beliefs and then make codes of conduct and expectations that honor yourself and others.
- Reinforce your foundation: Doing all of these steps requires a strong sense of self-confidence and courage to stretch and grow. These qualities come from the core of your being. Take the time to recharge and strengthen yourself through nurturing and increasing your level of self-acceptance. Know that you came into this world worthy and valuable, as we all do. Know that your value is intrinsic. The stronger and more capable you feel fuels your sense of yourself and what you can do. Feed yourself by acknowledging all your good qualities, talents, and accomplishments as well as past struggles or traumas that you have survived. We rarely give ourselves credit and build on our positives. Instead we tend to harp on mistakes and failures however small as evidence against us that keep us down. Flip that habit around and your foundation will be strong and solid in no time.
- Foster optimism: Having a positive attitude is just the beginning. Learn to think that things will ultimately work out for the best and that the world is a wondrous place. When we decide that things will not work out or will be difficult we give ourselves an excuse to fail and so we really do not try. Pessimism is self-defeating behavior. Optimism is a personality trait however it is also a choice and a self-fulfilling prophecy. Chose to look at the bright side and have an upbeat attitude. If necessary, fake it till you make it, it is contagious.
- Practice, Practice Practice: New habits and behaviors take time to adopt. Do not be fooled into thinking it is easier to stay with the status quo. If you have read this far it is because you seek something. Allow yourself the room to be free to stretch and grow. Try on new thinking and give yourself room to stumble and fall. Partner with a friend or coach for encouragement, planning and accountability can help to foster change.
Having the ability to allow yourself to be authentic, free and creatively explore is the primary step towards fulfilling the love, meaning and purpose you seek. In the end all that matters is what matters to you. You define what you seek and how it is fulfilled.
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