Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cultivate your Strengths

Some people spend a lot of time,  money and energy training themselves to do something they really do not like or have little interest in.  Maybe it is the challenge or a skill they think they really need... could be.  Possibly they are convinced if they could just master this skill or develop that talent they do not have they would finally be successful. But most often we find our greatest success and deepest satisfaction cultivating and utilizing our natural talents and strengths.  Becoming outstanding at what we are good at and enjoy makes sense right? Unfortunately, we do not always recognize the gifts, strengths and talents we already possess and too often do not fully develop them and share them. Start with discovery ; know your interests, passions, strengths and talents then feed, nurture, develop and utilize them as often as possible. You will be well on your way to more easily find success and enjoy what you are doing . Certainly always learn, grow and obtain new skills but cultivate the best parts of you , that is why those interests and apptitudes are there ... for you to share!

Coaching provides a venue to rediscover your strengths and talents and develop ways to best utilize them.

Check out This site is by the leading authority on Positve Psychology Martin Seligman PhD. it provides  many self assesment exercises to assit you in discovering your strengths . I recommend you start with the signature character strength assessment.

Let me know what you find out!