Thursday, June 2, 2011


  1. You will receive a body. You may like it, or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period this time around.

  2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full time informal school called life. Each day in this school you have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think they are irrelevant and stupid.

  3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial and error and experimentation. The “failed” experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately “works”.

  4. A lesson is repeated until learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can go to the next lesson. Periodically, the lesson will be re-presented to see if you still remember it.

  5. Learning lessons does not end. There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learnt. If no lesson is being presented, it is likely that you are no longer alive

  6. “There” is no better than “here”. When your “there” has become a “here”, you will simply acquire another “there”. That will again look better than “here”.

  7. Others are simply mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.

  8. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you make of them is up to you; the choice is yours.

  9. Your answers lie inside you. The answers to life’s questions lie inside you. All you have to do is look, listen and trust.

10. You will forget all this. That fact is itself a lesson.

~ Ted Hughes, 'Poetry in the Making'

I ran across this recently and liked it so much I wanted to share it. I especially like people are like mirrors and of course the answers are within you .What stands out for you?




  1. It is rare for me to find something on the internet that is as entertaining and fascinating as what you have got here. Your page is sweet, your graphics are outstanding, and whats more, you use reference that are relevant to what you are talking about. Youre certainly one in a million, keep up the good work!

  2. Cheers pal. I do appericate the writing.
