Sunday, January 22, 2012

Know You

know youSocrates said it best," know thyself". This is truly the first element in living a fulfilling, deeply satisfying and happy life. It is the basis of all else. As I have been blogging and speaking lately on the topic of making 2012  your best year ever this concept has been the first thing we address. Often this is concept is taken for granted, but the truth is many people struggle with answering basic crucial questions. This may be due to the fact that most of us were not encouraged to creatively think this way and individuality is not often encouraged. As young people we are torn between becoming authentically ourselves and a longing and pressure to fit in. Somehow as we grow older we can become conditioned to believe we must fit in to a model or type to succeed or even be loved. For some, concealing who they really are becomes a full time job, convinced another role or personality will serve them better. This leads to all sorts of trouble and frustration. But for many of us it is more subtle; not being clear on what we most want for ourselves and our lives, knowing and living our values, connecting to and pursuing our passions. I believe the purpose of life is to fully become who we are, to authentically share that with the world using our strengths and talents to pursue what is most important to us.  I believe that is what will bring us deep satisfaction, lasting happiness and meaning. That is the foundation of LifeScape and my basis of coaching.

So how do we begin to reconnect to our authentic selves?  From my last post and workshop I suggest writing a list with 3 headings BE, DO, HAVE  creatively listing what you can dream for yourself in each catagory. Take time with this and keep in mind who you truly want to be, how you most want to live, the types of work, relationships and activities as well as material items you want to enjoy or benchmarks you want to reach.

Another exercise is to reflect; what has brought you the most joy thus far in your life? Think of times you were at your best and list the activities and qualities you were expressing. Remember your biggest victories personal and professional. Reconnect to hobbies and activities you may have put aside and recall why you enjoyed them. Looking back and identifying common themes and paying attention to why it felt good or why we were successful clues us in to where our talents, strengths and passions are and makes it clear what we need more of in our lives.

This combination of looking forward and reflecting back will create a picture of what is most important to you and will allow you to begin to formulate a vision of what is next for you to create your best life.

Once you have a vision that is you, you will know it. It will be exciting, it will make you smile, it will fit,  even if it scares you a bit. With this knowledge you then have the choice to live boldly, fully and authentically; or not. The rewards are great, the costs not too high. In fact the costs not to are staggering. Honestly, it is far easier than you might think, but you must choose it.

Become more of who you are... we all want and need more of you.

What would you like to be, do or have more of in your life?



  1. I agree 100%. I think that often times people fall into depression etc just because they are afraid to be themselves.

  2. I agree with this also, not knowing oneself can cause a whirlwind of problems. Realizing you have lost who you really are and trying to become your true self can feel impossible. I love the outline of steps you suggested - anyone could benefit by completing these.
