Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Life by Design: The Four Rooms

When we look at our lives as a whole it can be overwhelming: career issues, relationship struggles health concerns, juggling schedules and activities, fitting in leisure time and hoping for a chance to find a meaningful spiritual moment. I think it is helpful to break up the major aspects of our life to examine them and have deliberate intention regarding the elements of each.

I call these aspects the four rooms. These rooms; health, work, relationships and spirituality combine to house our very soul.  What is within each room and how we occupy it defines the quality of our lives. Each room is ours to uniquely fill and attend to in our own way, I call this design.

Design is a word that implies choice and intention as well as style and individuality. Ideally, while we all have the same rooms all of us have different elements within them arranged in a way that suits us uniquely.

When you look at life through this perspective it is easy to categorize things and examine the elements within as well as become more open to the choices you have to arrange things more to your liking in each room. Work for instance may contain a job with fulfillment, projects, training, achievement and salary issues as supporting elements. In this room, as with all the others, one may assess the amount of time and energy spent,  the satisfaction and meaning gained and whether the room is authentic or needs some tweaks or growth to fit into the larger design.

Room by room we honestly take stock; clearing clutter, moving things around, getting rid of things that do not fit well and adding elements of our own choosing thus making our life a better reflection of who we truly are which makes it much more fulfilling. 

Using this approach we can also determine which rooms we may not be spending enough time in.
Given the premise that all the major rooms in your life have equal value since all feed and support the whole, it is critical to have a working balance to have a healthy, happy home. 

Often times we do not recognize the value of each room. We trick ourselves into thinking some things can wait indefinitely or simply do not matter because we have more important issues to tend to.
Occasionally this may be the case during a serious health crisis for instance the work and relationship rooms may go dark while the energies are focused on health. But more often I think we tend to ignore large aspects of our lives because we do not recognize the value or think we do not have time since we are too busy filling up another room. In some cases we close off a room completely not allowing ourselves or anyone else to go there. This is what leads us to feel stressed and out of synch, we become burned out because we are not honoring all parts of ourselves and allowing the major aspects of our home to nourish and support us fully. 

Many of us have all the rooms open and spend a bit of time in each but feel that something is just not quite right. We have never taken the time to design them for ourselves with purpose and intention. We live according to how things were when we checked in, or the way someone else thought things should be arranged. Adopting beliefs and habits like hand me down furniture.
 This can be okay when you are first starting out but with time you need to choose what you like to create your own design and truly make your house your home. 

As you begin to look at your life from this perspective which rooms do you feel are in need of attention? Relationships, Health, Career, Spirituality
Are the spaces reflective of your own personal style and flair containing elements of your own choosing?
Do the rooms in your life fulfill and sustain you?

When we recognize that the total of our lives is indeed made up of the aspects of our lives all working together we gain the power to choose what elements matter most. Living by design with intention rather than default is powerful. It provides a much surer route to the peace and happiness we seek because it calls upon us to be aware and authentic. Taking the time to design each room and spend time in them creates the comfort, balance and safety we need to sustain our souls allowing us to express ourselves and experience life fully.

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